Objective: In this video and/or step by step walkthrough, you’ll learn how to assign quantities from a Revit element to a VECTOR assembly

Build Screen

Make sure you are on your Build Screen inside of your VECTOR Bid

Ensure your Page is selected and that it is utilizing a valid filter set


Make sure you have some Assemblies added to your Scenario and your relevant Pages

Perform Take Off

Zoom in on the area with some REVIT Elements

Select the REVIT Element (it will turn blue to show it is selected)

On the right hand side you can view all Properties related to this element

For this example, we will use the Length dimension under the Properties tab to assign to our Assembly 

Make sure that you have an Assembly added to your Page representing this wall size or something similar

Click to select the Assembly in the Bid Tree on the left or use the drop-down box on the top menu


Once the Element and target Assembly are both selected hover your mouse over the toolbar on the right hand side and click Assign

You will receive a green toaster menu in the upper right hand corner of the window that confirms the mapping process was successful

The color of the REVIT Element has now changed to Orange

This matches the color set for this Assembly and its properties that gives a visual indicator that the quantities have been transferred from the Element to the VECTOR Assembly

On the left-hand side of the page in the Bid Tree, the length of 9.58 lft has been given to this Assembly

Assigning with Multiple Elements Selected

For this example we will select the G1 Single Door.

In the Properties Tab you can view this information under Filters, Family Type

Select additional G1 Single Door shapes by left clicking on them

On the top menu click the drop-down arrow and select G1 Single Door

Click Assign on the right hand toolbar

The green has now changed to black to match the assembly properties

Assigning for Ceiling

Zoom in and select the REVIT shape by clicking inside of it

Then, click the Properties tab to identify this as a 2′ x 4′ ACT System, found under Filters, Family Type

Select the Ceiling Assembly on the left hand side

Click Assign

Once it maps you will see these pieces of information as confirmation:

A green toaster confirmation message in the upper right hand corner

Assembly information will be filled in on the left-hand side

Green will change to Pink that matches the properties of the Assembly that were previously set


Select the REVIT element containing the quantities that you want to un-assign

Choose the target condition on the left-hand side

Click Unassign

The quantity for the assembly is now reset to zero, the color of the element changes back to the default color of green

Unassigning Multiples

Click and drag your mouse around multiple elements to lasso

Click Unassign

Note: Only the elements that have been previously assigned will be unassigned