Objective: In this video and/or step by step walkthrough, you’ll learn the estimate screen company preference tool

Company Preferences – Estimates

Next to your login first and last name, left click the down arrow

Then, select My Company Preferences

Company Preferences Screen

This video focuses specifically on the Company Preferences screen for the Estimate section

Left click on the word Estimate to minimize or expand the tools (please see video for demonstration)

Changing Font Color

Changes made to the font color sections will affect new and existing bids

In addition, changing the color for each tax class will change the color in which the font for data and labels is displayed on the estimate screen

  • Left click the paint bucket for your selected tax class
  • Choose a base color and a hue
  • Left click the paint bucket to close


Here is where you can create default markups that will automatically appear on the estimate screen for new bids only (this will not affect existing bids)

Click the add button (+ sign) to open the Markups module

Shipping Tax Markup Creation

Click the Name field and type Shipping Tax

Left click the category drop down and choose the tax class, overhead or profit that fits your needs

For this example, choose Material

Click the drop down under Type, choose Percentage

In the Value box, type 5

Click Add Markup

Please see video for a demonstration of the addition of Overhead & Profit Markups

Edit or Delete

After adding your markup it will be displayed in the markups table

To edit your markup, click the edit button (pencil icon) to the right of the markup

Delete your markup by clicking the delete button (trash can icon) to the right of the markup

Decimal Place Values

To make a change to the decimal places, click inside the field, backspace to remove the contents of the field, then type in your desired value

In this example, we are changing the decimal place to 4 for all data types

Click Save Preferences in the bottom, right-hand corner of the window

Confirm Changes

For this example you will see that the changes we’ve just completed are reflected on this bid, ie; font colors and decimal places.

Settings Button

Click the Settings button in the top, right-hand corner

Here you can see that the decimal places and font color changes from the preferences screen