The Most Robust
Construction Estimating Software
Solution Available

The EDGE® is the professional’s choice for all-in-one commercial construction estimating and takeoff software. Bid with it, or bid against it.

  • Acoustical


    Acoustical Ceiling Estimating Software

    The EDGE® professional-grade acoustical ceiling estimating software is designed to save time with on-screen takeoff for both rated and non-rated ceilings. Automatically perform incremental area tile calculations and replicate conditions for room-by-room estimating. Our ceiling contractor software databases are preloaded with industry manufacturers like Armstrong and USG.

  • Concrete


    Concrete Estimating Software

    The EDGE® concrete takeoff and estimating software is built to cut bidding time in half by automating calculations for material volumes and labor costs and budget creation. Streamline takeoffs for slabs, footings, foundations and formwork while using the built-in proposal writer to generate professional bids quickly. With our vendor quote feature, request and compare supplier pricing directly in the software. Preloaded with trade-specific data, The EDGE ensures accuracy and efficiency whether you’re measuring pours or counting rebars.

  • Drywall


    Drywall Estimating Software

    Designed specifically for the interior trades (framing, insulation, drywall, and finish), The EDGE® drywall estimating software is the professional grade solution. Quickly and accurately produce detailed reports including profit recap reports, alternate pricing, material ordering, and job costing, each of which can be easily customized to meet your specific needs. You can separate the recaps or combine them for drywall, painting and acoustical.

  • EIFS


    Exterior Insulation Finish System Estimating Software

    It doesn’t take long for EIFS professionals to realize that The EDGE® EIFS estimating software is the perfect solution to maximize their company’s bidding capabilities and profits. The EDGE EIFS takeoff and estimating software will expedite your processes and save your business time and money.

  • Fireproofing


    Fireproofing Estimating Software

    Fireproofing is an essential part of building construction, and nobody handles fireproofing estimates like The EDGE® Estimator. Our feature-rich all-in-one solution includes Fire Test and steel shape databases containing UL designs and formulas that auto-assign thicknesses and allow shapes to be copied from one area to another. It also features full team-member access, spray charting and the ability to generate shop drawings. The intuitive interface and extensive fireproofing database make fireproofing bids. Bid faster with greater accuracy.

  • Flooring


    Flooring Estimating Software

    Maximize your company’s production and profits with The EDGE® professional-grade all-in-one flooring takeoff and estimating solution. Our flooring estimating software features extensive customization options, allowing you to simply choose the type of flooring to be used, then add options for base, trim, thresholds, corners, and walls to be measured. Bid faster and better with The EDGE.

  • Painting


    Commercial Interior and Exterior Painting Estimating Software

    The EDGE® Estimator all-in-one takeoff and estimating solution lets painting professionals estimate the way that they work. Perform takeoff by surface and type or room-by-room, quickly and accurately produce detailed reports including profit recap reports, alternate pricing, ordering, job costing, and more. Save time and money estimating better and more accurately with The EDGE.

  • Roofing


    Roofing Estimating Software

    Professional Roofing Contractors know just how important accurate and timely estimates can be. Which is why they rely upon The EDGE® professional-grade all-in-one takeoff and estimating software. With the ability to calculate fastener lengths and even measure tapered insulation & standing seam roofs. Designed and built specifically for roofers by construction professionals, The EDGE is a powerful solution for building precision bids in a fraction of the time, allowing your business to save money and win more business.

  • Wall Panels


    Metal Wall Panel & Cladding Estimating Software

    The EDGE® professional-grade wall panel estimating software solution makes takeoff and estimating quicker and easier than ever before. Our all-in-one solution is designed and built by experienced professional tradesmen and features insightful tools and extensive databases to swiftly turn around remarkably accurate bids on any paneling or cladding job. Bid better and win more business with The EDGE.

  • Waterproofing


    Waterproofing Estimating Software for Commercial Applications

    The EDGE® professional grade, commercial waterproofing estimating software is both robust and powerful, yet easy enough to learn that most waterproofing contractors or estimators will be up and running in a week or less. The EDGE features: Bid better and win more business with The EDGE.

Request a Demo Today

(844) 334-3378


Construction Estimating Software Built for Commercial Estimators

Robust and detailed enough for bids of any size, The EDGE® takeoff and estimating software is intuitively designed to help both new and seasoned commercial estimating professionals work smarter, bid sharper, and build better.

Don’t just estimate faster. Estimate better.®


Construction Jobsite Project Management App

EDGE On Site® extends the power of The EDGE estimating software into the field, allowing teams to track production progress in realtime with virtually no data entry. Find and correct cost overruns as they occur, and improve the accuracy of your commercial project estimating on future bids while keeping on time, on target, and on top of every job from estimate through completion.

Build it like you bid it.®


Customers who have an EDGE

Built by Construction Estimating Experts
Who Understand Your Business

All-in-One Solution

The EDGE Estimator combines professional-grade commercial construction takeoff and estimating together so it functions more smoothly than other market solutions, you won’t ever say, “Sometimes it breaks and I don’t know it.” Best of all, while doing a takeoff, the measurements are automatically added into the estimating side and the material list and labor budget are pre-populated. All that’s needed is to simply update your quantities and labor rates and verify your estimate.


Comprehensive Database That’s Specific to Your Trade

Unlike other commercial estimating software solutions that provide a generic material database as a starting point, The EDGE has the most all-inclusive list of manufacture-specific components and can be customized for your business. Developed by experienced tradesmen, The EDGE is logical and designed how tradespeople think. We’re here to help and our goal is to make it easy so you can hit the ground running.


Custom In-Depth Reporting

The EDGE not only creates extremely accurate construction estimates, but users love the thoroughness of the reports. Use them to help with project management, accounting and communication with customers. And they are easily customizable to get the information you need, when you need it.


Builder Built. Pro Preferred.®

Estimating Edge is not a just a technology company. We’re builders, tradesmen, and commercial contractors who understand your business in depth and make estimating software that works for your business the way you want it to.

We’re Your Partners. And Your Advantage.

Because we understand your business, we make the best estimating software in the construction industry. Hands down, we deliver the best customer service. You want a competitive edge? You’ve got it.

Proposal Writer

Proposal Writer empowers users to create winning bids fast. Users can build customized proposal templates in Microsoft Word, and then automatically add final bid amounts and other relevant information into that template. This instantly generates a proposal that can then be sent out to bid on any project. Proposal Writer also eliminates manual transfers, with an extensive list of over 100 pre-loaded data points, crucial information – including previous templates, formulas and processes – can be saved and applied to each bid, helping to save time and ensure accuracy.


Business Owners

If you are a construction subcontractor, then you probably already know how important it is to prepare estimates that are both quick and accurate in order to bid competitively while building profits for your business.

Construction Estimators

Our in-depth all-in-one estimating software not only makes estimating quicker and more accurate, but many of our customers tell us it actually makes them better at estimating.

Customers Love The EDGE

  • The EDGE is an incredible tool that every commercial roofing company should be using, and if they’re not, they’re losing money.
    Carl Morse
    Estimator and Project Manager, Yorkshire Federal, Inc.
  • Even with other companies coming along trying to entice us to use their programs, we are so satisfied and invested with The EDGE that we have stayed with it for so long.
    Pat Fortliti
    Estimating Vice President, Olympic Companies
  • Companies need to take a look at The EDGE because it is a very comprehensive system with an excellent database. There really aren’t any other programs out there that are as comprehensive as The EDGE.
    Joe Colavita
    Chief Fireproofing Estimator, Martin Brothers
  • I’m surprised that everyone is not using The EDGE. It is the single best piece of equipment that we use in this business.
    Dale Gillis
    Owner and Estimator, Carolina Commercial Roofing Co.
  • “Companies need to take a look at The EDGE because it is a very comprehensive system with an excellent database. There really aren’t any other programs out there that are as comprehensive as The EDGE.”
    Joe Colavita
    Chief Estimator, Martin Brothers
  • “The EDGE is an incredible tool that every commercial roofing company should be using and if they’re not, they’re losing money.”
    Carl Morse
    Estimator and Project Manager at Yorkshire Federal
  • “This is the future of tracking jobsite production! We were tracking with paper Microsoft® Excel® but with EDGE On Site we get real-time updates. The project manager and foreman love being able to access the plan details and see the job progress from the overview screen. This app simplifies communication.”
    EDGE On Site User
    Project Manager
  • “Using EDGE On Site has allowed us to replace the field teams' detail book. It not only increases the production accuracy but it’s an excellent way to communicate with our field crew. And because of EDGE On Site we’ve been able to alleviate the need for daily production meetings. Remarkable App!”
    EDGE On Site User
    Project Manager
  • Compared to other options this job site project management app allows us to be accurate and investigate issues quickly! Before we could only give rough estimates, but with EDGE On Site, we can be precise with the production schedule. While you are in the field, you can quickly investigate issues that have been missed or don’t add up by viewing how the estimator specified the pages, types and codes, materials, etc. This app saves so much time and is extremely accurate!”
    EDGE On Site User
    Project Manager
  • Now I Can Get Ahead of Job Site Issues. Since I rarely go to the job site, unless something went terribly wrong, I can see where EDGE On Site changes the daily conversation of where are we on each project.”
    Drywall Subcontractor
  • “I think the Webinar's are great! You all to a great job in presenting them and it is easier to grasp the intention that you are trying to convey. I do like it when I can go back and see them again to refresh myself with them. Keep up the great job!”
    FL Crane & Sons
    Mike Crane
  • “The creators and architects of The EDGE were designed by people who know what they’re doing; they have been studying nothing but construction estimating for decades and are, without question, experts on how to estimate construction work. They are taking their expertise and the best practices from the best, most progressive contractors out there.”
    John Maxwell
    President | Maxwell Roofing and Sheet Metal

Additional Products from the Makers of The Edge®️

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