It’s Time for Your Data to
Get Its Hands Dirty®

EDGE On Site® extends the power of The EDGE® estimate and takeoff to the construction jobsite giving users the power to monitor production progress in real time.

Edge On Site Mobile Construction Management App

Construction Jobsite Project Management App

You’ve won the bid with the insanely accurate estimate built with The EDGE, but now it’s time to start building without letting profit margins slip. EDGE On Site takes your estimate and takeoff to the field, allowing your Foreman or Project Managers to track production, construction scheduling, and correct cost overruns as they occur. The easy-to-use jobsite management app runs on an Apple® iPad®, connecting the estimate, drawings, and any change orders with virtually no data entry.


A Better Way To Track Job Costs

Tracking production can be time-consuming, and your Foreman or Project Manager already have plenty to keep them busy. Especially when the real value is in tracking against the actual estimate, takeoff and change orders. EDGE On Site tracks the installed labor and materials compared to your estimate. It’s never been easier to know current projects costs and where you will finish as it relates to your construction planning.

Your Estimate Gone Mobile

EDGE On Site is the easiest and best way to bring your actual estimate and takeoff plus change orders to the field. All data is sent from The EDGE software directly to the EDGE On Site iPad app, allowing progress to be tracked in real time if there is Wi-Fi or LTE available on site. And if there isn’t a connection, simply work offline and then upload your data when you are connected.

Always Up-To-Date

You will never have to wonder whether the takeoff or change order is current with EDGE On Site. The jobsite project management software app connects seamlessly with The EDGE to ensure that your field teams, builders and contractors are always equipped with the most current version of everything relating to the job.

Virtually No Data Entry

The real power is in how easy it is to use. Rather than require a Foreman to enter data, he merely has to select individual takeoff “shapes” as they are completed. And then use EDGE On Time, to track hours against what’s been built for that day, week, or month. This allows for real-time construction progress tracking and reporting, and allows Project Managers to drill down into scheduling, cost codes, unit rates, time and more to analyze performance in detail.


EDGE On Time

On Time – an add-on to EDGE On Site – gives you the ability to track hourly employees and produce time cards for your payroll employees. On Time syncs the hours to the original estimate cost code, creating an extremely accurate picture of what’s happening today while accurately forecasting the remainder of your project.

Free to download
*To activate, please contact

Work Smarter with EDGE On Site

With access to the original estimate, takeoff information, and change orders in hand, EDGE On Site gives you the tools you need to succeed on time, every time.

Investigate Issues That Don’t Add Up

On a busy jobsite, it can be difficult to pinpoint where a job goes awry. It’s even harder to identify issues as they happen, but not with EDGE On Site construction project management software app. Simply access the takeoff pages, materials, cost codes and more created by the Estimator. It not only helps your job stay profitable, but helps in building future estimates by identifying exactly where cost overruns occur.

Simplify Your Communications

Whether you are a Foreman, Project Manager or Owner, EDGE On Site has multiple ways to share information with stakeholders, both from the field and office. Check-in on our Overview Screen, Cost Forecasting Screen or Daily Roll-Up Reports to keep track of where you are today and how you soon you will finish.

Project Cash Flow

Whether you are a subcontractor or general contractor, Cash is King! Since EDGE On Site is extremely accurate, your team will know exactly when work has been completed so you can get paid faster, or you aren’t paying for work that’s not completed.

Change the Conversation

You will quickly see how EDGE On Site changes your daily conversations from “Where are we?” to knowing exactly what has been missed or if things aren’t adding up. It’s never been easier to stay on schedule and on budget.

Forecast Like it Already Happened

EDGE On Site makes it extremely easy to project job profitability. That’s because it allows users to access all original documents used to create the estimate and see how they break out. That means you don’t have to give rough estimates because you have the confidence that comes with having real data in the palm of your hand.

Download EDGE On Site for your Apple® iPad®

Free to download
*To activate, please contact

Download EDGE On Site for your Apple® iPhone®

Free to download
*To activate, please contact

Build It Like You Bid It®

Apart from estimating, production is where profits can quickly disappear. By simply and easily tracking production based on project scheduling, the actual estimate and change orders, your commercial project foreman can ensure that production matches the estimate or change order, and act swiftly to curtail any problems before they get out of control. EDGE On Site will not only help your business stay on point during production, but it will also help in building future estimates by pinpointing precisely where and how cost overruns occur.

Stay On Top, On Time, and On Target

So many variables can affect production that it can be extremely difficult to pinpoint exactly where a job goes awry, let alone to identify issues as they happen. EDGE On Site gives your team the power to stay on top of production every step of the way, and helps identify problems when production deviates from the estimate or change order. Additionally, project managers or owners can be automatically notified via email or text when progress benchmarks are reached, keeping all stakeholders updated along the way.

Discover how EDGE On Site can help your business become more profitable and efficient. Schedule a demo today.

Customers Love EDGE On Site

  • “This is the future of tracking jobsite production! We were tracking with paper Microsoft® Excel® but with EDGE On Site we get real-time updates. The project manager and foreman love being able to access the plan details and see the job progress from the overview screen. This app simplifies communication.”
    EDGE On Site User
    Project Manager
  • “Using EDGE On Site has allowed us to replace the field teams' detail book. It not only increases the production accuracy but it’s an excellent way to communicate with our field crew. And because of EDGE On Site we’ve been able to alleviate the need for daily production meetings. Remarkable App!”
    EDGE On Site User
    Project Manager
  • Compared to other options this job site project management app allows us to be accurate and investigate issues quickly! Before we could only give rough estimates, but with EDGE On Site, we can be precise with the production schedule. While you are in the field, you can quickly investigate issues that have been missed or don’t add up by viewing how the estimator specified the pages, types and codes, materials, etc. This app saves so much time and is extremely accurate!”
    EDGE On Site User
    Project Manager

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