Details Database

Customize Columns | Details DB


To customize your database columns, select Edit | Customize Columns. Doing so will open a Customize list of headings that you have not included.

Sequence – Several of the databases display and have assigned Sequence numbers to each line. When you add in new lines, each will be assigned a Sequence Number.
Detail Number – This can be a made up number or a manufacture’s number.
Description – A description of the Detail.
Manufacturer – The name of the manufacturer.
Scale – The scale at which you plan to enter the drawing, if not know make a scale up (1″=1’0″. 3″=1’0″).
Scan – Check the Scan box if you are creating a header such as a manufacturer’s name.
Added By – The name or initials of the individual adding the new lines to the database.
Date Added – Date new information was last edited.