Fill Styles

Tools | Company Options | Drawing | Fill Styles

Fill Styles:

Within your drawings, you may have area shapes that need differentiation. To do this, you will select Fill Styles. The program will cycle through these fill styles from top to bottom, and you can change the order by selecting a style and pressing the Up or Down buttons to move it within the list. You can Add, Edit, or Delete the listed styles by pressing the respective buttons. The Add and Edit functions will open a dialog in which you will select a fill style.

Fill Styles

Within your drawings, you may have area shapes that need differentiation. To do this, you will select Fill Styles. The program will cycle through these fill styles from top to bottom, and you can change the order by selecting a style and pressing the Up or Down buttons to move it within the list. You can Add, Edit, or Delete the listed styles by pressing the respective buttons. The Add and Edit functions will open a dialog in which you will select a fill style