Page List Properties



To view the Properties of the Page List screen click Edit | Properties or click the properties () icon.

The Page Properties dialog is used to edit or modify pages for a job (i.e. 1st Floor, 2nd Floor, East Wing, West Wing).

Title – The title for a page is usually drawn from the title in the title block of the sheet you are estimating.
Scale – You may enter a scale, calculate a scale or click the inverted arrow (Ú) and select a scale.
Repeat – If you are estimating something that has multiple identical floors use the repeat factor, set it to the number repeats.
Pitch – If you are working with a sloped roof or ceiling enter the pitch or select it from the drop down menu.
P1, P2, P3 – are user-defined fields. This may sound familiar as we have two sets of user-defined fields in the Job Properties dialog.
Plan Date, Revised Date – Optional fields where you can store plan and revision dates.
Notes – opens a word processor where you can create notes specific to a page for the estimate.