Restoring and Opening your Local Estimating Database

Step 1: Restoring your Local Estimating Database

Click on the Local Database Menu and select Restore Estimating from Backup (.BAK)

Locate and select your Estimating Database BAK file, then click “Open”

Type in a File name for the Estimating Database mdf file and click “Open”


Step 2: Opening your Local Estimating Database

Click on the logo button in the upper left hand corner

Click the “Browse” button in the ESTIMATING section

Locate and select the Estimating Database mdf file you created and click “Open”

Step 3: Creating your Local Job Database

Click the “Browse” button in the JOB section

Navigate to the location that you wish to create your local job database, then type in a file name and click “Open”

Click the “Create DB” button

Then click “Complete” to complete

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