What’s New in Version 12.8.0?


New Features

The release notes shown on this page apply to all users interested in upgrading to the latest version of The EDGE® Estimator.

Best Practice: All users within your company should be on the same version “build”. This allows everyone to see the same screens and have the ability for collaboration.

    • In the case where a company cannot update all devices/users to the latest build, we recommend to not update to the new version until all users are using the same version “build”.


Bid Management

    • Multiple Instances are now available! The EDGE can now be opened multiple times on the same computer, allowing for multiple bids to be open at the same time. Note: Data can be copied and pasted from one bid into another.
    • Common Conditions – To speed up takeoff, with the ability to capture common or repeated parts of a takeoff. Estimators can now define a portion of a takeoff on a page and then save that area to reuse on other pages. Takeoff from multiple conditions may be included within the Common Conditions. For more information watch the video.
    • Additional Minutes (Smart Labor) – Additional minutes are now available within roofing conditions. The EDGE provides a tool for the user to add additional minutes for the time it takes to install insulation around penetrations (i.e., curbs, wall flashing, pipe vents, etc.). When Smart Labor is set up, the program counts the number of penetrations and adds additional minutes to the labor line.


Condition Properties

    • EIFS Condition Properties – Certain fields in the EIFS condition properties have been updated to become active when required.
    • Tapered Insulation – Verification of cricket filter thickness is more accurate.


Pricing and Labor Screens

    • Sorting and grouping – Improvements when sorting and grouping by page number.
    • Viewing “Off” items – Improvements in both pricing and labor screens.



    • Multiple Subdivisions – when editing a markup within the recap screen with more than one subdivision, closing out of the markup dialog will no longer move you back to the first subdivision, it will now stay within the subdivision that was being edited.


Takeoff/Image Manager

    • Synchronization between conditions and takeoff – when using two monitors, clicking on a condition within the condition grid on one monitor will now move to that same condition on the takeoff screen.
    • Improvements to Snap – when using the snap functionality with area conditions, corners will now better align.
    • Bid Image Manager – added the ability to modify the properties (i.e., image quality, DPI, etc.) of multiple images at one time; as well as the ability to delete multiple images with one step.



    • Setting Parent and Child Group Sort – Improvements when grouping by page number.
    • Change Order Reports – Reports are now available to show the changes that were part of a change order. This includes a drawing report and an itemized detail report showing quantity and pricing changes.


General Fixes

    • Change Order Grid – Columns are now remaining visible and holding positions as customized by each user.
    • Order and Price Formulas – Invalid formulas no longer saved for an item.
    • Creating New Reports – Errors are no longer generated if not saved before customizing the report.
    • Single Ply Area Condition – Vertical height field now calculates more accurately.

Known Issue

    • Additional Minutes – Change orders cannot support additional minutes’ functionality.


Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact Technical Support.
Email: support@estimatingedge.com Phone: 844.334.3378.